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February 2022 Drill: Batavia, WI

Writer's picture: Sea Cadets 911 PR - INST Lena BurkutSea Cadets 911 PR - INST Lena Burkut

In February US Naval Sea Cadet 9-1-1 division attended another combined drill in Wisconsin. This time, the unit joined Cobia and Vollrath Sea Cadet units in Batavia, WI. The day started at the rental car parking lot, where 9-1-1 Division cadets boarded vehicles and left for the overnight drill. After our unit arrived in Wisconsin,

we joined Cobia and Vollrath Units for the Lunch Chow, cooked right there on the premises. After that cadet changed into snow gear and left for the Sunburst Mountain.

With three units in the same place, it allowed the leadership to compare the procedures and run training with cadets in separate units.

Our cadets also visited Sunburst Mountain for snow tubing. Two hours on the tubing mountain was enough time for the cadets to have fun, get cold, hang out at the lodge, and run back for a few more tubing rides. After two hours of snow tubing, the entire contingent returned to the Batavia Elementary School just in time for the Dinner Chow. After that, all cadets were given liberty and spend their time playing various games.

The next morning after the chow, cadets of Vollrath, Cobia, and 9-1-1 Division cleaned up the area, and Vollrath Division started getting ready for their Annual Inspection. Meanwhile, Cobia Division packed and left to complete their drill in Manitowoc, WI. 9-1-1 recruits and Vollrath recruits took part in the basic Military knowledge. Color guard units of Vollrath and 9-1-1 DIV practiced posting colors and marching routines with the help of INST Brian Proa and ENS Keith Yates.

All other cadets participated in-room clearing under the supervision of INST Alex Burkut and INST Jason Rodriguez. They also had handling training, practiced their stance, and utilized rooms and hallways to practice room clearing.

After lunch chow, Vollrath Division participated in their annual inspection. 9-1-1 Div also had a mock inspection in anticipation of their upcoming formal inspection in March After that, all cadets secured the building from the weekend drill, and division 9-1-1 left for Illinois.

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