Cadet Kostenko attended Missouri Military Academy and will attend Norwich University in Vermont to study Computer Security/Information and pursue a career as a Naval Officer in the Cybersecurity field.

Tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Daniel Kostenko. I am from Wheeling, IL and go to Missouri Military Academy but I used to attend Howe Military Academy where I was on a soccer team, Golf Team, and captain of the speech and debate team. At the Missouri military Academy, I am on the "Fusileers", which is an exhibition drill team, the Swim Team.
I joined the Sea Cadets when I was 12 as a League Cadet. I became a Sea Cadet when I turned 13 and that summer I was off to Boot Camp.

In my five years as a Sea Cadet, my favorite training was the USS Ambition, a simulated Aircraft Carrier. What made it so memorable was the fact that in my Carrier Air Group there were people from all over the country. I still talk to them to this day.
I would love to come back to my division as a midshipman!

Where to now?
After Graduation I will go to Norwich University in Vermont where I will study Computer Security/Information Assurance, I will then pursue a career as a Naval Officer in the Cybersecurity field.

Share a few things about you!
I was certified as a Master Diver, diving around the world in places like Honduras, Mexico and Florida, my lowest depth was 103 feet.
I am certified as a PC Technician and Certified for Networking and I have built many Computers for other people.
I was on the Cyberpatriot team.
I was also the Speech and Debate Team Captain, and I currently hold a Degree of Honor in The National Speech and Debate Association.
I'm an avid fisherman, I've fished around the world, in rivers, lakes, oceans, off of boats, even underwater, when hunting for Lionfish.