My Name is Eric Wagner I am from Chicago I go to Niles West High School. I joined the Sea Cadets program in 2018.

Most Memorable Training
My most memorable training would be Boot Camp which took place during the summer of 2019. The reason I decided to do the training was to progress in the program and challenge myself.
The Number one most difficult part of the training would have to be the first day there. We had to stand for many hours with sea bags waiting to get checked in. The reason I would say it's the most memorable part of the training was that it really tested the levels of stress we can be under.
I would recommend other cadets to do this training to progress in the program as it is the first step to being able to get to go to other trainings.
Where to next?
After graduation, I plan to do real estate and my goals are to do well in real estate to better my life.

Things You Might Not Know About Me
I like to play Air-soft. It's similar to paintball. I usually on the weekends whenever I have a chance to go with my friends or I would be home and playing games on my pc with my friends.
I like to go to car meets and shows as I am a car enthusiast and like to go and see what other people have built from scratch.
I also like to go out with my friends every weekend to Chicago and get something to eat and drink.
I also help my friend with his project car about twice a week as he can't do it all on his own.