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  • Writer's pictureSea Cadets 911 PR - INST Lena Burkut

What to Expect from May Drill

As we look forward to May, there are a couple of notable events planned. First, we are working hard to be able to perform swim qualifications in May. Additionally, we will be showcased at the Lincolnshire Memorial Day ceremony. I would like to ask for a volunteer Petty Officer or Cadet to read "Old Glory" for the audience, so send me your interest in this important public-facing opportunity to represent Nine One One Division.

In closing, please do your coursework and let me or your Petty Officer know if you need a test. Also, I will stop taking training requests at the end of April, so make sure you check the Summer training lists and let me know if you are interested. Our program is only successful if you all fulfill your full potential.

Get Your Dress Whites Ready

Make sure your Dress White uniforms are squared away for Memorial Day. You will be arriving in your dress white uniforms for the next drill, on Saturday, so be prepared for inspection readiness. Ask your Petty Officers to check your uniforms prior to the next drill weekend in May.

Also note that Drill in May will be the third weekend, 15-16 May, so you all can spend time with your Mothers for Mother's Day weekend!

Until then I wish you all the best and I reinforce to you to be safe, wear your masks, stay socially distant, and wash your hands often. Together, we can stop the spread of COVID-19.


CO Janek

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